Long time no see..

I know I have been neglecting you, my dear readers. I don't have much strength left to write recently. My husband is ill and I 'work' 24/7 right now. The girls need my attention and they keep making huge leaps nowadays. From rolling to sitting to crawling to walking in their walking chairs. You turn a split second and something interesting caught their eye and fell to the floor, e.g. Flower pots, decorations, keys, spoons, telephones, tv-controls etc. The days of letting them sit in front of the telly while I take a shower are long gone. Now it's action all day. And most of the night. 

My mood is extremely bad right now and swings back and forth a lot. The girls first birthday is coming up. It brings up a lot of memories- good and bad and it makes me sad. I worry about my husbands health issues and I don't know how to cope with everything right now quite frankly. 
But I do. As I have done for a year. As I will probably always cope and at the same time I feel like I am letting someone down constantly. 

I got a really sweet gift from a fellow multiple mum, who I've had some contact online with. She has made me a bracelet with the girls names. Just like that. And she wrote a note, which touched me. 

Need to put those girls to sleep now. Bare with me for being so bad at updating at the moment. I just don't find time.