Sleepless somewhere in Sweden

The past weeks have been filled with sickness, fatigue, wake-nights and general troubles. Last night Alice cried from midnight to 5 am. Non stop. I didn't know what to do. At 4 am I left her with my husband instead and went to sleep with Antonia. Alice hasn't been any fun today either. Loads of whining and crying and taking Antonias toys. 

And to celebrate our romantic Saturday (with only the babies being at home), Antonia started doing the exact same thing, but earlier. She has been crying for two hours now. This phase, those teeth or the cold aren't on my list of favourites right now. I don't know what to do. I've sat with her, I've walked around, she got food, she got pain killer, she got her pacifier, I have stroked her face, I've rubbed her back, she got to get into my bed, etc. etc. I've even let her cry, currently with the best results. Which feels terrible. 
A friend of mine had a Facebook fun thing going on. You were supposed to share the 8th picture on your phone. I checked and it was a picture of myself, taken two years ago. Summer, about to get married, about to go on a job-trip to South Africa. You see me smiling really really big. You see the smile reaching all the way inside and out again. I took a selfie a few days ago and the difference is quite noticeable. The smile stays on the outside and isn't close to being just as wide. 
I want to be my old me again.