Sunny day

It is summer outside again and it is warm both inside and outside. I have tried sunbathing again with my footbath, but it was even more worthless today. Managed to sit outside for round about 20 minutes twice. Then I found loads of different chores to do and after taking care of all that, I fell asleep. My legs and feet are really swollen and my hands are hurting, because of the water in my body. It is hard to grip things or to for example apply pressure to a knife, when you are chopping harder vegetables, like sweet potatoes. 
The babies have been very active today. I can see their moves from the outside, which is kind of cool! 
I think it is time to call it a day soon.
Will take some paracetamol and hope for the same amount of sleep like last night. 
Good night my dear readers! 
Bernie and Zofee