Trip home

We were planning to go home today, but both girls haven't been on top of things with their teething, so we postponed it a day. I wouldn't want to go on a 5 hours roadtrip with unhappy babies. Antonia has had a little fever and Alice has been vomiting more than ever. I really don't like to see my girls unhappy. I walk around with them, though my back is killing me. And I try to minimise their crying. Sweet girls. Soon they'll turn 5 months. Time flies! In only one week they suddenly hold their head without problems, listen to their name, follow people/objects, laugh like there is no tomorrow, try to make sounds/talk, eat and they have started holding things. I think all of this is quite early. Maybe I am wrong and it is normal. But the girls are premature and 7 weeks early, still their progress is astonishing. Maybe it is stimulation?
And motherhood - what can I say! I love it! As you know I've never thought of myself as a 'supermom' type of person, but I really like it now. My mom superpower can be used all the time: like someone is crying, give the baby to me and it will stop. But with all great powers there comes responsibility - and mine is lying next to me right now, fed, dry and sleeping.

Boot camp!